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Therfield School

Assessment and Reporting


Our full assessment policy can be found here: 

Assessment Policy

Assessment is an integral part of Teaching and Learning. Effective assessment is accurate, manageable, consistent, and useful and involves all pupils, teachers and parents/ carers in the learning process.  It enables the teacher to reflect upon his/her teaching and to make changes as appropriate in order to engage in the process of continual improvement.

In order for assessment to be effective and improve learning five key factors are involved.

  • The provision of effective feedback for students.
  • The active involvement of students in their own learning.
  • Adjusting teaching to take account of the results of assessment.
  • Recognition of the profound influence that assessment has on the motivation and self-esteem of the student; both of which are crucial influences on learning.
  • The need for students to be able to assess themselves and understand how to improve.

For further information regarding these principles you may refer to “Working inside the Black Box – Assessment for Learning” Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall and Wiliam 2002 or Embedded Formative Assessment Dylan Wiliam 2011

Assessment can be effectively used to raise standards when:

  • Clarity in learning objectives for the lesson/learning opportunity exist,
  • During the planning stage, teachers make a decision as to when and how they will assess the work of students.
  • Teachers are proficient in using a range of assessment techniques in the classroom.
  • There are prepared and manageable systems for recording the progress of individual students in order to set targets, which challenge our students and inform teachers, students and parents of progress.


The documents below explain how we report to parents and the information you will receive. There is a detailed document for each of the key stages. If you require any further information please contact your child's tutor.

Key Stage 3 Explained Key Stage 4 Explained Key Stage 5 Explained