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Therfield School

Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh programme is a real adventure from beginning to end, especially at Therfield! We offer the programme at all three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.

The award is achieved by completing a personal programme of activities including Volunteering, Physical, Skills and an overnight Expedition. Those students who have completed it have helped people in the community, increased their fitness levels and developed a number of skills (such as leadership, team work, cooperation, time management, independence and perseverance). However the greatest benefits are perhaps establishing a number of great memories, talents and friendships that will last a lifetime!

Therfield is fortunate to have staff that are willing to give ‘above & beyond’ to support the programme. The Bronze Award can be undertaken by anyone in Year 9, the Silver in Year 10, and the Gold in Year 12 & 13. If you need any further information, talk to Miss Smith,  DofE Leader - kasmith@therfield.surrey.sch.uk