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Therfield School

Freedom of information

Therfield School is part of SESSET, which is a public authority under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) (FOIA) and as such, we are committed to transparency. We publish certain information routinely on our website and the websites of our three schools but under the FOIA you may make a request for other information. In light of our Scheme of Delegation, requests for information should be submitted to the school unless it is for information relating to SESSET as a whole.

 To make a Freedom of Information request please submit your written request (by email or in writing) to

  • Therfield School - enquiries@therfield.surrey.sch or The Headteacher, Therfield School, Dilston Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7NZ; or
  • SESSET - info@sesset.org.uk or Executive Headteacher, SESSET, The Ashcombe School, Ashcombe Road, Dorking, RH4 1LY

 Please state that your enquiry is a freedom of information request to help us deal with your request promptly.

 The FOIA requires every public authority to have a publication scheme and we have adopted the model scheme approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office. The publication scheme is available from info@sesset.org.uk.

 Please note the FOIA does not give people access to their own personal data. If you want to see information held about yourself, you will need to make a data protection subject access request.

 For further guidance please refer to the Information Commissioner’s Office: How to access information from a public authority | ICO