Overview of the C@T6Programme
Overview of Sixth Form C@T and HE Programme
Yr 12 Monday C@T Sessions-Main themes |
Breakdown of sessions |
Unifrog and Other online Tasks |
Autumn 1 My Professional Self Career aspirations and intro to all post 18 pathways |
Basic post 18 FSQ survey choices Uni vs Apprenticeship vs Work Intro Choosing a general area of career interest 15th October Festival of Skills |
Admin Unifrog set up classes /academics Careers and Subjects library and how to use it UK Uni search how to use it Apprenticeships tool how to use it Degree apprenticeships Intro to Psychometric Testing-who am I? Myers Briggs, Work Environment Skills and why they matter Skillsbuilder Benchmarking |
Autumn 2 My C@T Portfolio-Preparing Academic and Vocational elements of an application Supracurricular, MooCs,EPQ launch Vocational/ESkills Skillsbuilder passports |
Supracurricular learning-what is it and why it matters WEX Intro Intro to EPQ Russell Grp/HPA options
WEX launch including Unifrog placements tool Intro to MooCs and MooC tool What does wider reading mean and how to find it EPQ- choosing your topic Skillspassport from Skillsbuilder-complete hard copies ready for cv writing in Spring 2 |
Spring 1 Personal Branding and Networking Creating the best applications
Getting ready for applications
CV, Personal branding and Networking
Securing WEX/C@T Fair prep
Writing a great CV and covering letter using Skillsbuilder passports evidence How to use the cv/resume tool Curating an online profile Networking and personal branding LinkedIn Write a cv using skills WEX guide to placements, WEX busting myths WEX guide to placements tool part 2 ASK Apprenticeships assembly 11th Feb |
Spring 2 Not going to Uni routes |
Apprenticeships and WEX-deep dive Pros and Cons of Uni vs Apprenticeships Careers Fair
Apprenticeships and WEX Apprenticeships Talk Degree apprenticeships Feb 25th ASK workshop |
Summer 1 Understanding the Labour Market Careers in the Curriculum Working life Matters |
Local, national, global trends Careerometer etc Salaries etc Hybrid working Free lancing Careers and life/rights in the workplace |
LMI Do you need specific degrees for specific careers? |
Summer 2 Exams, Platform7teen, Alumni Day, C@T Days x2, WEX Prep |
Lead up to events Completing preparatory work for C@T Days |
Mon 23rd June – Alumni Day Tues 24th June– C@T Day 1 Weds 25th June-Platform7teen Mon 30th June-4th July – WEX Yr 12 Mon 10th – Aim to release UCAS Grades Tues 15th July-C@T Day 2 HE day 2 Complete all notes for subject teachers on Unifrog |