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Therfield School

Contact Staff


 Leadership Team:

J Malley Headteacher jmalley@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
S Stemp Deputy Head    sstemp@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
B Bux Asst. Head bbux@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
N Fogarty  Asst. Head nfogarty @therfield.surrey.sch.uk
M Houghton Asst. Head mhoughton@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
L O'Donovan Asst. Head lodonovan@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
H Williams Asst. Head hwilliams@therfield.surrey.sch.uk

Heads of Year:

J MacSween Year 7   jmacsween@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
T Hostler Year 8 thostler@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
S Barrimore  Year 9 sbarrimore@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
S Willis Year 10 swillis@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
S Shepherd  Year 11 ashepherd@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
C Eagle Year 12 ceagle@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
K Keys Year 13  kkeys@therfield.surrey.sch.uk

Teaching Staff:

Ms P Ahmadi pahmadi@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Mathematics
Mr S Alavi salavi@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Mathematics
Miss I Arsenio iarsenio@therfield.surrey.sch.uk English
Mrs H Baggs hbaggs@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Inclusion
Miss S Barrimore sbarrimore@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Performing Arts
Mr P Bartram pbartram@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Mathematics
Mr M Berryman mberryman@therfield.surrey.sch.uk PE and Sport
Miss K Bruce kbruce@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Science
Mrs  E Bryson ebryson@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Inclusion
Miss G Buckland gbuckland@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Geography
Miss M Bull mbull@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Geography
Mr B Bux bbux@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Business and Economics
Miss A Byrne abyrne@therfield.surrey.sch.uk English
Miss N Christopher nchristopher@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Performing Arts
Miss N Clark nclark@therfield.surrey.sch.uk MFL
Ms S Coop scoop@therfield.surrey.sch.uk English/Social Science
Mrs  M Coric mcoric@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Science
Miss  D Cunnington dcunnington@therfield.surrey.sch.uk English
Mr  J Dance jdance@therfield.surrey.sch.uk PE and Sport
Mr A Das rdas@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Science
Miss M Davey mdavey@therfield.surrey.sch.uk PE and Sport
Miss B Davis bdavis@therfield.surrey.sch.uk English
Miss O Dentus ldentus@therfield.surrey.sch.uk English
Miss E Devonshire edevonshire@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Design Technology and Art
Mr S Dowsett sdowsett@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Mathematics
Mr C Eagle ceagle@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Business and Economics
Mr  A Easom aeasom@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Mathematics
Miss C Egan cegan@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Science
Mrs N Fogarty nfogarty@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Science
Mr S Goodwin sgoodwin@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Science
Mr A Hart ahart@therfield.surrey.sch.uk History and Politics/RS
Mrs  C Harvey charvey@therfield.surrey.sch,uk ICT & Computing
Miss R Hearn rhearn@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Mathematics
Mr T Hostler thostler@therfield.surrey.sch.uk MFL
Mr M Houghton mhoughton@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Science
Mr T Hudson thudson@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Science
Mr A Hunjunt ahunjunt@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Maths
Mr C Jenkins cjenkins@therfield.surrey.sch.uk English
Miss  R Johns rjohns@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Mathematics
Mr R Kemp rkemp@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Design Technology and Art
Mrs K Keys kkeys@therfield.surrey.sch.uk ICT & Computing
Mrs M Khan mkhan@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Mathematics
Mrs J Knox jknox@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Science
Mr S Larkins slarkins@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Business and Economics
Miss  C Lot clot@therfield.surrey.sch.uk MFL
Ms A MacLeod amacleod@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Performing Arts
Mr J MacSween jmacsween@therfield.surrey.sch.uk English
Mr J Malley jmalley@therfield.surrey.sch.uk History and Politics
Miss J Mansbridge jmansbridge@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Art
Mrs M Martin mmartin@therfield.surrey.sch.uk English
Mrs A McCan amccan@therfield.surrey.sch.uk MFL
Miss O Morgan omorgan@therfield.surrey.sch.uk History and Politics
Miss C Musters cmusters@therfield.surrey.sch.uk MFL
Mrs L O'Donovan lodonovan@therfield.surrey.sch.uk History and Politics
Mr O Pettitt opettitt@therfield.surrey.sch.uk ICT & Computing
Mrs S Pettitt spettitt@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Performing Arts
Ms C Phillips cphillips@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Design Technology and Art
Ms A Qayyum aqayyum@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Science
Miss J Reynoldson jreynoldson@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Child Development/Science
Miss L Richardson lrichardson@therfield.surrey.sch.uk English
Miss B Robinson brobinson@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Child Development/Geography
Mrs L Rolfe lrolfe@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Geography
Mr N Shearman nshearman@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Business and Economics
Miss A Shepherd ashepherd@therfield.surrey.sch.uk History and Politics
Miss K Smith kasmith@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Geography/Social Science
Mrs S Stemp sstemp@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Science
Miss R Thomson rthomson@therfield.surrey.sch.uk ICT & Computing
Miss J Turton jturton@therfield.surrey.sch.uk MFL
Ms D Van Zyl dvanzyl@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Design Technology and Art
Miss N Vimalanathan nvimalanathan@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Child Development/Geography
Ms F Walker fwalker@therfield.surrey.sch.uk History and Politics
Miss L Watson lwatson@therfield.surrey.sch.uk PE and Sport/PHSE
Mr D Webster dwebster@therfield.surrey.sch.uk English/Media Studies
Miss H Williams hwilliams@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Mathematics
Miss N Williams nwilliams@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Art
Mr  S Willis swillis@therfield.surrey.sch.uk PE and Sport
Mrs M Young mayoung@therfield.surrey.sch.uk Maths

Support Staff:

Mrs V Allis vallis@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs  S Barclay sbarclay@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Miss J Benham jbenham@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs E Bryant ebryant@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Ms J Buckell jbuckell@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs F Cabrera fcabrera@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
EUR ING A Carter acarter@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs G Cocks gcocks@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mr D Collett dcollett@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mr  T De Lora tdelora@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs K Downs kdowns@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs T Duddy tduddy@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Miss J Eaton jeaton@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Miss A Faiello afaiello@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs R Fareed rfareed@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Miss S Francis sfrancis@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mr R Frost rfrost@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs N Gill ngill@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs M Harris mharris@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs  R Hassanali rhassanali@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mr J Hogben jhogben@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mr  P Homewood phomewood@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs N Kennard nkennard@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Miss C Lansbury clansbury@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs T McArthur tmcarthur@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mr  R Meetook rmeetook@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Miss M O'Dell modell@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs N Pickering npickering@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs S Puthiya Purayil sputhiyapurayil@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs J Robinson jrobinson@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Miss K Rolfe krolfe@therfield.surrey.sch.uk 
Mrs K Smith ksmith@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs  D Southworth-Turner dsouthworth-turner@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mr  W Sparrow wsparrow@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs S Squire ssquire@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Miss N Swart nswart@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mr W Thornton wthornton@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs E Van Rooyen evanrooyen@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs J Walsh jwalsh@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mr B Wright bwright@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs A Young myoung@therfield.surrey.sch.uk
Mrs S Zandt szandt@therfield.surrey.sch.uk