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Therfield School

High Prior Attainment (HPA)

At Therfield School, we provide a dynamic and enriching experience for our high prior attaining (HPA) students in KS3 through a range of programmes. The Endeavour Programme, available to all Year 7, 8, and 9 students, encourages them to take control of their education by exploring subjects beyond the standard national curriculum. Each term, students undertake three project-based tasks per subject, which challenge them to delve into topics not typically covered in the classroom. Upon completing these tasks, students can earn Bronze, Silver, or Gold Endeavour Awards, each accompanied by a star badge to wear on their blazers.

In addition, the Year 9 Masterclass Programme offers selected students the opportunity to study topics at a higher level, ranging from GCSE to degree-level content. With subjects as diverse as literary postmodernism and 3D modelling and animation software, students engage in advanced learning. Those who complete the programme earn the prestigious Masterclass Award and the coveted Therfield Triple Star Pin Badge.

Beyond these programs, we ensure that classroom teachers are equipped to challenge HPA students appropriately by maintaining the HPA Staff Handbook and ClassCharts, which highlight these students for tailored support. Termly reviews of HPA assessment data also help identify students who need additional interventions, working with subject leaders, heads of year, and classroom teachers to ensure progress.

Furthermore, we support departments in launching super-curricular activities, such as the CREST Awards in science for KS3, 4, and 5, and deliver annual staff training on HPA provision. To enrich students’ learning experiences, we also plan and implement curriculum trips, like the KS3 STEM in Action program.