Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
At Therfield, our aim is to raise the aspirations of and expectations for all young people with SEND.
We are committed to:
- identifying and providing for students who have special educational needs and additional needs and disabilities (SEND)
- operating a “whole student, whole school” approach to the management and provision of support for special educational needs and disabilities
- providing support and advice for all staff working with students with SEND
There are two SEND departments at Therfield:
- The CoIN Centre for children with an EHCP for communication and interaction needs and who are allocated to the Centre by Surrey County Council
- Learning Support which provides support and monitors progress for all other students on the Special Educational Needs register (Code of Practice).
Each department offers:
- Support by teaching assistants in mainstream lessons
- Withdrawal lessons including 1:1 and small group work
- Extensive resources including computer software
- Homework club
- Support at break and lunch times
- Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs)
- Social skills groups
- Nurture groups
- Exam arrangements
- Support for vocational courses.
- Help with extra-curricular activities such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award
For further information please click below for the SEND information report or contact our SENCo directly.
Mrs Helen Baggs
Telephone: 01372 818123 ext. 234