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Therfield School

Therfield Trust

What is the Therfield School Trust?

The Therfield School Trust was established as a registered charity in 2000 with the aim of ‘making a difference’ to the quality of education for students of Therfield (Registered Charity Number 1082392).

We are a group of Parents, Staff and Governors who wish to make a significant difference to the quality of life and learning for all students at Therfield School.  We meet once or twice a term As well as working with the PTA to raise funds to provide the extras that the school budget cannot it also oversees the allocation of those funds across the departments and year groups at Therfield School. The criteria used to consider requests for funding include:

• Does the funding request support the School Development Plan
• Will the project benefit the wider student community
• Will it support our role in the local community
• Will it enhance and enrich the curriculum at Therfield

We meet once a term at the school or a mutually convenient location.

Where does the Therfield School Trust get its money from?

• From parents through their voluntary donations
• Donations from other individuals
• Local business
• Large corporations
• Any available grants

A major source of income is from regular contributions from parents. All parents at Therfield school are invited to contribute on a regular basis to the Therfield School Trust. To find out more about how to donate, please see our follow this link

We also have a Social team (formerly the friends of Therfield) who provide refreshments for parent evenings and music and drama events, and hold second hand uniform sales and jumble sales. Each year we hold a selection of social, fundraising events such as Christmas Fairs, Quiz Nights and Pamper Evenings. Our aim is to provide social, fun opportunities for families and students to meet and socialise at school (and raise much needed funds at the same time).

What does the Therfield School Trust do?

The Therfield School Trust consults with the Head-teacher, Senior Leadership Team and the School Governors to determine funding priorities. In addition, each faculty is invited to present a “shopping list” to the Therfield School Trust and funding is allocated based on school priorities and/or wide-ranging benefit. Projects funded by the Therfield School Trust are reviewed termly and information about these donations can be found in Our Termly Newsletters.

How to contact us?

If you would like to contact us about anything to do with the Therfield School Trust or our Fundraising events, you can email us on trust@therfield.surrey.sch.uk or drop a note into the school office addressed to Therfield School Trust.

If you would like to join the Trust team you can follow the link: Join the Therfield Trust

You can access the groups WhatsApp by scanning the QR code: 

Trust WhatsApp

Who are we and how can you join?

As stated earlier we are a group of Parents, Staff and Governors who wish to make a significant difference to the quality of life and learning for all students at Therfield School. Our current committee looks like this:

Co-chair (Trust)

Emma Dunham

Co-chair (Trust)

Melanie Dunn


Calum MacLeod


Nicola Saunders and Eve Foster

Social Media

Claire Brooke-Wilson

Therfield School representative

Katherine Smith


Rachael Balaam


Jodie Le Cheminat


Robbie Stokes

Lucky Numbers Club

Jackie Manwaring + Melanie Dunn

If you are interested in finding out more and/or would like to join either the Therfield School Trust or PTA sides of the committee – then please contact us and we will arrange for you to attend one of our meetings and find out more. Please email trust@therfield.surrey.sch.uk