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Therfield School

Transition to Therfield from Year 6

Moving from Junior school to secondary school can be extremely daunting for even the most confident students. That’s why at Therfield school we pride ourselves on providing a bespoke transition programme to ensure all students, parents/carers receive the support they need throughout the transition process.

For students joining Year 7 in September 2025

Parents/carers of students offered a place at Therfield for September 2025 will be notified accordingly by Surrey County Council's Admissions team on national offer day (3 March 2025) and must accept their offer before 17 March 2025.

We look forward to welcoming all students who will be joining Therfield School in September 2025; parents/carers of our new Year 7 students will receive an email with a link to our online registration form, which should be completed as soon as possible.

Transition diary dates

April/May 2025 - Therfield School teacher visits to primary schools

Thursday 8 May 2025 - New Parents' Information evening (for parents/carers only)

Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 July 2025 - Transition days for Year 6 students at Therfield School (arrive 8.45am for 9.00am start, finish at 2.45pm)

Tuesday 1 July 2025 - Year 6 Information Evening 5.00pm

Thursday 4 September 2025 - First day at Therfield School for Year 7

Year 6 Induction days

Here at Therfield school, we run two induction days. Students arrive feeling excited, a little apprehensive and by the end of the day they leave feeling reassured that Therfield school is the right choice for them.

Over the two days, the students take part in a range of ice breaker activities allowing time for each tutor group to get to know one another and for students to begin friendships, which for many will last for years. Students will also attend a range of lessons and enrichment activities, allowing them to get a real feel for Therfield school. Each day will end with an assembly lead by the Head of Year.

On the evening of the first induction day parents/carers are invited to attend an information evening where they can find out more about Therfield school as well as information about uniform, PE kit, curriculum, school systems and exciting events such as the year 7 school trip. 

 Primary school visits

At Therfield school, the transition team work closely with the local primary schools to learn as much as possible about each and every child - this is essential to ensure a smooth transition. Where possible the Head of Year visits primary schools and takes the opportunity to meet the year 6 teachers to find out about friendships, their achievements and where they may need support. The Head of Year will be introduced to those who have been allocated a place at Therfield school and every year 6 student has the opportunity to request a friend to be placed with for their new tutor group in year 7.

 Additional Transition and SEND

Despite a robust transition programme, there will always be students who need additional support. At Therfield school we are proud to be able to offer further support to our more vulnerable students in a range of ways. Firstly, we will offer a series of additional transition afternoons where small groups of year 6 students attend four afternoon sessions with our Emotional Literacy Support Assistants to help them prepare for the induction days in July. These sessions help the students become used to the school environment whilst having the opportunity to meet key staff such as the Head Teacher, Head of Year and SENCo. Once a child has been allocated a place at Therfield school, parents of children with SEND can request a meeting with our SENCo to discuss support required for that child’s transition and to ensure they experience an inclusive learning environment.

Transition to secondary school can raise so many questions for parents/carers and the children involved, therefore we have listed a website for you which may be of help.

BBC Bitesize - Starting Secondary School support for students, Parents and Carers.


Pupil Premium and Free School Meals

The Pupil Premium funding is to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged students.  Students are eligible for funding for a variety of reasons including Free School Meals (FSM).  for further information on student eligibility please click here. 

To check if you are eligible for FSM please complete the form below and return to the school office.

Information Booklet for Parents

 The Kit Shop Price List 2024

Stevensons Appointments Summer 2024

  Free School Meal Eligibility Form

 Allergies and Catering form

Children and Family Health Surrey

 SESSET Privacy Notice


 If you have any queries regarding transition at Therfield School then please get in touch with the relevant member of the transition team listed below:

Mr Matt Houghton – Assistant Head teacher mhoughton@therfield.surrey.sch.uk

Mr MacSween – Head of Year 7 jmacsween@therfield.surrey.sch.uk

Ms Helen Baggs – SENCO hbaggs@therfield.surrey.sch.uk