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Therfield School


Trust Objectives and Donations

Trust Objectives

What does the Trust do?

We consult with the Headteacher and Governors to determine the priorities for funding the ‘extras’ which make learning at Therfield that much better. Current projects which we are raising funds for are:

  • Specialist music equipment for the Performing Arts Centre
  • Interactive ‘Whiteboards’ for all classrooms
  • Extending teaching of ICT by equipping more classroom with computers

Projects we have supported:

  • Contributed one third of the funds the school was required to raise for its successful Specialist Sports College status
  • Refurbished the Resource Centre
  • Equipping the new teaching classrooms
  • Refurbished the Hall, stage and sound and lighting system , benefiting parents’ meetings, assemblies and drama and music events
  • Supported the majority of ‘after school’ clubs
  • Equipped the Duke of Edinburgh scheme with more tents and cooking equipment


How You Can Help

New Ideas

We are always looking for parents and students to offer new ideas for fundraising or social events. If you have any suggestions we would love to hear from you. Either drop a note into the school office addressed to The Therfield School Trust or send an email to trust@therfield.surrey.sch.uk

By Running an Event or Helping Out at an Event

Perhaps you are able to pledge some of your time by volunteering to either run an event or to help out at an event. If so then please get in touch by either emailing us at trust@therfield.surrey.sch.uk or drop a note into the school office marked for the attention of the Therfield School Trust.

Perhaps you would like to be added to our distribution list and we will email you when we need assistance at an event. If you can help – then you simply reply to the email. If you cannot, then please just delete the note. Hopefully you will be able to assist next time around.

By Making a Donation

We would like all parents and carers to consider making a donation directly to the Therfield School Trust either yearly, termly or monthly. Many of our parents donate £10 a term to the Therfield School Trust either by direct debit or by cheque.

If you are a tax payer, by making a donation and completing one of our Gift Aid Declaration forms the Therfield School Trust will be able to reclaim the tax on your donation, which equates to 28% extra on top of what you give.

By Joining our Lucky Numbers Club

You can buy an entry into the Therfield School Trust Lucky Numbers Club for the chance to win a monthly cash sum! The more tokens we sell, the bigger the prizes are and the more money we raise for the school.


Trust Donations

Please think seriously about making a donation.

We would like you to think seriously about donating something - monthly, termly or yearly. Many of our parents regularly donate £10 per term.

How to donate

There are several ways to donate.

• Through direct debit or standing order.

     o Send an email to trust@therfield.surrey.sch.uk and we will send you a form to complete and details of how to set things up.

• By sending us a cheque (payable to the Therfield School Trust)

     o Download and complete a copy of this form and send it together with your cheque (made payable to the Therfield School Trust) to the school office.

     o Please mark your envelope Therfield School Trust.
     o Click below to download a donation form

Donation Form 


 By using a CAF Charity Account
     o You can donate to the Therfield School Trust directly from your salary and before tax.
     o To find out more, please visit the CAF online website www.cafonline.org

REMEMBER - if you are a UK taxpayer, please let us know about your donation so we can reclaim 28p for every £1 donated.

Lucky Numbers Club

What is the Therfield Lucky Numbers Club?

The Therfield Lucky Numbers Club is a scheme run by the Therfield School Trust to raise funds for the benefit of all pupils at Therfield School.

How do I join?

Send an email to lnclub@therfield.surrey.sch.uk for an application form you can send directly to your bank, or complete the application form on the website and send to the Therfield School Office in an envelope marked for the attention of the Therfield Lucky Numbers Club.

How much do I pay?

The annual subscription is a minimum of £12 representing 12 monthly payments of £1. There is no maximum.

How do I pay?

By standing order (every month, six months or year) or by cheque (annually).

How does it work?

The numbers of all paid up members are entered into a monthly draw for three cash prizes. If you pay, for example, £1 a month you have one entry in each monthly draw. If you pay £3 a month you have 3 entries etc. In addition to the monthly draw there is a bonus prize draw every December of £200.

How much can I win?

30% of membership money is paid out in prizes each month, so the more members there are, the bigger the prize.

• First prize is 50% of the prize money
• Second prize is 30% of the prize money
• Third prize is 20% of the prize money

For example - if we have 200 members paying an average of £4 a month, the prizes would be £120, £72 and £48 and £560 would be raised for the school. In addition, each December there is a bonus draw for a £200 prize.

Rules of the Therfield Lucky Numbers Club?

1. The Club shall be known as the THERFIELD LUCKY NUMBERS CLUB
2. Membership is open to:
     a) All parents/carers/grandparents of past and present pupils attending Therfield School
     b) School Governors and Staff 
     c) Former pupils of Therfield School
3. Membership is by the purchase of a minimum of one share at £1 per month.
4. The percentage of income distributed in prizes shall be at the discretion of the organizing committee but at no time will the total value of the prizes fall below 30% of the total income.
5. All paid up members will be entered for each month’s draw according to their shareholding.
6. A draw will take place every month and will be witnessed by at least three persons. Winners’ names will be listed on the Trust Facebook page.
7. Income over and above the prize money will be paid to the Therfield School Trust.
8. The club will be managed by the Therfield School Trust.
9. For all other matters the Club will be subject to the overall rules of the Therfield School Trust as set out in its constitution

Lucky Numbers Club - Information

 Lucky Numbers Club - Rules

Lucky Numbers Club - Application Form