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Therfield School

Year 10

School years pass by so quickly and it seems like only yesterday that our current Year 10 students began their journeys at Therfield School.  It is so rewarding to see students maturing and taking steps towards their young adult lives together. The attitude of this year group remains impeccable and this will undoubtedly lead to ongoing success.

Students have a fantastic opportunity at Therfield to realise their potential and achieve exceptional outcomes.  The Year 10 tutor team and myself are committed to supporting students through every step of their academic journeys, whilst giving them the encouragement, support and guidance they need at a dynamic time in their young lives.

Whilst we have every faith in Year 10 rising to the challenges they will face at Key Stage Four, we know that your support and partnership is vital to ensure ongoing success.  Encouraging punctuality and high levels of attendance will lead to positive outcomes for students.  Supporting us to ensure positive attitudes to learning is a way of investing in the students and readying them for the challenges they will face as they head towards the end of their GCSE courses of study.

In their school lives so far, Year 10 students have embraced a wealth of opportunities at Therfield.  Whilst KS4 is a time where dedication to study is vital, it is still a time where students can enjoy taking advantage of opportunities at school.  I look forward to being able to celebrate the achievements of students outside of the classroom as well as academically.


Year 10 Curriculum Evening information

Year 10 Curriculum Evening Presentation

Year 10 Revision Guide Resourses - available soon
