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Therfield School

Year 11

Supporting students to strive for success and excellence is at the core of Year 11 at Therfield School. Guiding students through the challenges of Year 11 is paramount to our vision, our consistently high-quality teaching and learning, as well as subject-specific academic intervention ensure our students can make progress and achieve their potential. In addition, our wide-ranging pastoral intervention, including our extensive tutor programme, Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA), Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner Exam Stress Group and school counselling service, help support students and their emotional wellbeing. We aim to offer all of our Year 11 students the support and guidance they need to continue with their ‘Seven Year Journey’ at Therfield or alternatively, access a vocational course, suitable for their future career goals.

The maturity and increasing independence of our Year 11 students is recognised through our annual ‘Jumper Vote’, in which our Year 10s vote for the colour of jumper they want to wear when they start Year 11, visibly setting them apart as members of the senior school and establishing a sense of cohesion and for Year 11 as they enter their final year of Key Stage 4.

The Year 11 Prom is a chance for our Year 11s to celebrate their Therfield journey and come together before their exams. Our ‘Passport to the Ball’ initiative, ensures that in order to attend, they complete weekly revision, to help motivate them.

Revision Resources