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Therfield School

Year 12

The vision for Year 12 is to begin preparing students for the outside world by developing their independence and leadership skills, allowing them to make a real difference in their studies and to their lives.  We will provide the best advice and support for all abilities and help ensure that students progression into Year 13 is a smooth one. We want to start preparing them for the wider world by developing their subject knowledge through excellent teaching and learning and showing them all the pathways available, including advice on the best universities, apprenticeships and work experience.

Therfield School will go the extra mile to give you a fantastic and worthwhile sixth form experience and some of the activities and experiences are detailed below.

Therfield has an outstanding track record of results at sixth form and is regularly in the top 25% of schools with excellent academic results. This is thanks to the dedicated team of well-known teachers who are subject specialists. The staff at Therfield will always maintain the caring and supportive ethos that goes with being an inclusive sixth form, something that is unique to staying in a school. Being part of the school community also allows students to excel here and we are proud that continues both in and outside of lessons.


Unifrog is our main hub for everything to do with careers and employability. Whether you’re planning on going to university (or Sixth Form/College for Level 2 students), applying for an apprenticeship or securing employment, Unifrog has a wealth of tools to support you over the coming months. These tools include: 

– Geek Out: a range of journals, articles, books, films and podcasts to prepare you for starting a course in your chosen subject

– MOOCS: these are online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. They give you the chance to study with top universities around the world. They enable you to gain knowledge in all sorts of areas and help you to develop career skills, prepare for other education, or explore a new interest.

– CV and Resume Tools: these are step by step guides that help you to collate your knowledge, skills and  competencies and then draw them together in a a powerful CV and/or resume to submit to potential employers.


The Therfield community is a major part of the Year 12 experience, and we love to see students helping the local residents as well as the younger years. We are proud of all the mentoring and supportive work that takes place across the school, and we recognise that sixth formers are a huge influence on students lower down the school. The sixth form runs local charity events during the school year and is proud to raise money for different charities each year. We try and choose a charity that resonates with the current year group- last year the Sixth Form raised over £2000.

Sixth Form Trips

Every two years Therfield Sixth Form takes the sixth form community to New York and Washington for a life changing experience. This trip is something that Therfield feels rightly proud of and students never forget the time they spent touring one of the world’s great cities. This can take place in Year 12 or 13 but it remains one of the highlights of Therfield students with memories that will live them all forever.


Another great aspect of Year 12 life is helping raise funds to upgrade the sixth form common room. We run a hugely successful tuck shop and many events across the year are planned to help raise the profile of the sixth form and allow the students to take some ownership of their own facilities.