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Therfield School

Year 13

We are ambitious for our students and committed to enabling them to achieve their goals and aspirations, whatever they are. Our high expectations for students’ academic progress are underpinned by the incredibly strong working relationships shared by students and staff as we take strides together towards making students aspirations a reality. Building on the accomplishments of Year 12, we work to ensure all students are successful in the final year of their journey with us. Students are prepared for the wider world, whatever route they choose to follow, be that higher education, apprenticeship or into the workplace through specialist support and guidance. This means that for the past two years, all students leaving us at the end of Year 13 have achieved their first choice in higher education, with a number gaining entry into the most prestigious universities.

Our high quality teaching and pastoral support from our tutor team inspire students to make above average progress in their courses. We are able to offer a diverse and relevant curriculum, taught by subject specialists, which ignites students’ passion in their subjects as they focus in on a narrower but deeper programme of study. There is a larger emphasis on students building stronger academic and personal resilience, alongside greater independent organisation and study; key skills for students next steps into higher education and working life. Students receive high-quality support and care from teachers who know who they are, their strengths and weaknesses, and are prepared to go above and beyond to make sure that each student reaches their full potential. As part of the school community, teachers at Therfield work with students to guarantee they are supported and stretched throughout their studies. The Students have a higher number of study periods, during which they are expected to undertake independent study tasks. Through Year 13 these should be focused on reading ahead and around their subjects, alongside completing homework and revision. This can be done in our designated study spaces which provide room for independent study and group work. Subjects also seek to offer a range of challenging activities that extend students learning beyond exam specifications, broadening their thinking and developing their academic confidence. In the past this has included attending university lectures, trips and workshops. We expect and support students to ensure they seize opportunities available to them outside of school as continue their independent studies and develop into young adults.

As we prepare students for their next steps into the wider world, Sixth Form are supported by specialist guidance from Ms Buckell, our Careers and UCAS Coordinator. She runs a range of tutor time activities informing and preparing students for the choices they need to make. Providing one to one support, she is able to guide students in making the right steps for them. With the rest of the pastoral team, personalised support is given to ensure that students are successful in the applications they make whether that is into higher education, further education, apprenticeship or the world of work. Unifrog is also an invaluable tool, providing guidance on career inspiration, application support or encouraging students to reflect and develop key competencies to help them achieve.

Students also have the opportunity to complete the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). This is an independent based project, which is highly sought after and worth a number of UCAS points. Students have the opportunity to create a project around their unique interests which can be entirely disconnected from their current curriculum studies. Through careful coaching from Therfield staff, students thrive as they see their project into fruition. Whether that is a blue print for a building, an essay on marketing strategies and human behaviour or building a rocket! Students are able to take their passion and turn it into a qualification, whilst learning invaluable project management skills along the way.

Year 13 also offers fresh opportunities and challenge outside of the curriculum. Year 13 take a pivotal role in leading the Sixth Form Committee and School Council. As leaders of our community they play an integral part in school life, supporting younger students to run events and providing support and mentoring. Year 13 elects two Head Students and the Sixth Form Committee members. There are a range of positions available including treasurer, social responsibility, environment, media and PR, charity, events and social and sports representatives. Alongside Year 12, they work together to run a range of events and initiatives, including the very popular, Raise and Give Week.