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Therfield School

Year 9

By Year 9 at Therfield, the students will have got to know the school, the teachers and each other and the first hurdles of secondary school life have been overcome.

In Year 9, the motto for the year is “Don’t be the Rest of Them, be the Best of You ".  The students will have new challenges, like becoming a role model as a Peer Mentor for younger students. They will have a wide range of enjoyable opportunities and experiences like the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, CGI Day and the Battlefields Trip.

In addition to which, the students will also take on more responsibility for their own learning by making their GCSE Option choices and working hard at the skills needed to be “GCSE ready”. In this, they are given expert guidance from the teaching staff to help with their decisions. Students and parents are also given information at an options evening, providing the opportunity to receive advice on how to make good options choices.

We aspire that by the end of Year 9, the students will have grown in their love of learning and feel positive and confident to take on the next stage in their journey at Key Stage 4.

Key Initiatives in Year 9

  • Student Council
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Holocaust Survivor Talk
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Continuation of the Pixl Edge Extra Curriculum challenges
  • Careers Fair
  • GCSE Options process
  • Battlefields Trip 
  • CGI Day